On our second field trip we went to the MoMa Ps1 we had to find three pieces of art, one we liked, one we disliked and one we didn’t understand. What is people consider good and bad is completely subjective, it depends on the person. Art that we consider bad just doesn’t appeal to us or we just don’t understand completely. A lot of the art on display at the MoMa PS1 wasn’t traditional art and defiantly need a lot of attention to grasp there meanings.
The piece I liked the most was “Anthology ( Glen Ligon)”, its the piece the appealed to me and stuck with me after I left the museum. I feel good art has a lasting effect it appeals to the mind, makes you think. Most of the work in the Clifford Owens Anthology stuck with me it was shocking, provocative and interesting. I liked it I felt his work was a original, good and not the usual. I liked his quote on the piece to i thought it was hilarious “This is High school There’s no Tension in just not feeling it” printed over a picture of him urinating on another piece of work currently at the MoMa.
The piece I disliked was “Wegrett” by Henry Taylor. I used the term disliked loosely cause I didn’t hate all his work or even this piece its just I can barely remember any of his work and I spent the most time in his exhibit. His work just didn’t appeal to me, They struck no emotions didn’t make me think I felt blah. His work was very crude in not a good way primitive and untrained in not an appealing way and i like raw work but his just didn’t do it for me. To me the best one he did was “Its like a Jungle” I remember the piece it was striking but still i felt like ive seen this done before in a high school art exhibit.
The piece I didn't understand was “The Forty Part Motet” by Janet Cardiff. I liked the piece it was sweet and appealing. I sat there for a while listening and absorbing the music, it made me feel at ease, it was soothing, it was original and interesting concept but I didn't know why it was there. I didn’t understand what the purpose of the piece was I thought about it forever but not every piece of art is meant for everyone to get.
Art is very personal what is good for one person can be horrible to another. Good art to me is art that stirs an emotion, a feeling or a thought it grabs your attention and stays with you for a long time. Not every piece of art is meant for everyone art can still be “good” even if you don’t understand it.
Janet Cardiff
"The Forty Part Motet"
40-track sound recording
Clifford Owens
"Anthology (Glen Ligon)"
3 color prints
Henry Taylor
Acrylic and collage
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